About the Keynote

The SDGs Interactive Keynote is entirely virtual and can be completed at your own pace. It features an engaging presentation from Steve Lee, an expert in sustainable development and a fellow youth activist.

  • Get familiar with the history of sustainable development

  • Learn the structure of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

  • Receive examples of each of the 17 SDGs implemented by a variety of stakeholders

  • Test your knowledge with engagement activities about the content

To access this FREE keynote, please create an account using the coupon code provided on your school's event page .

Completing the Keynote


  • Watch all keynote video modules

  • Get 100% on all engagement activities

  • Complete interactive keynote before next session

What to Expect

Explore the sections of the keynote below:

    1. We Have a Plan!

    2. We The People

    3. Justice

    4. Session Breakdown

    5. Engagement Activity

    6. Terminology in this Keynote

    1. Previous Conferences

    2. Engagement Activity

    3. Global Development Agenda History

    4. Engagement Activity

    1. Goal 1: No Poverty

    2. Goal 2: Zero Hunger

    3. Goals, Targets, Indicators

    4. Engagement Activity

    1. Goal 3: Good Health & Wellbeing

    2. Leaving No One Behind

    3. Goal 4: Quality Education

    4. Engagement Activity

    1. Goal 5: Gender Equality

    2. Goal 5 Example: UK companies say why boards don't have women

    3. Gender Equality Continued

    4. What ESG is

    1. Goal 6: Clean Water & Sanitation

    2. Goal 6 Example: Climate Change: UK not prepared for water shortages

    3. Goal 6 Example: Sanitation in India

    4. Adequate Reporting

    5. Goal 7: Affordable & Clean Energy

    6. UK Capabilities in Renewable Energy

    7. Goal 7 Example: Global Wind Power Growth

    8. Engagement Activity

  • 1 hour of video content

Tracking your Progress

  • You can progress through the keynote on your own time, although you must complete it fully before the next session held at your school. Your completion rate of the interactive keynote will be shared with our team and your SDGs Launch Coordinator to verify your required participation. When complete, you will receive an email confirming your fulfillment of the interactive keynote.

Meet Your Presenter

Steve Lee

Steve Lee is a 28-year-old climate change activist and policy advocate to the United Nations. He is the Founder of FES and its 3% Project, a program that recently got Steve awarded a 2021 Clean50 winner for outstanding contributions to clean capitalism. Steve has represented the Canadian youth on the issues of Climate Change, Sustainable Development, and Youth Empowerment. Steve is personally trained by Al Gore as a Climate Reality Leader. An entrepreneur, Steve founded Steveโ€™ Guidebook, a publisher for university study guides and RevITยฒ Solutions, a market research consulting firm for private investment firms. Steve was recently the Organizing Partner leading Major Group for Children and Youth (MGCY) at the United Nations.